Modern Construction
We leverage extensive experience with offsite manufacturers, contractors, developers and clients to successfully deliver the onsite activities for offsite and modular projects.
Dynamic Benefits
Knowledge & Expertise
Offsite and On site construction expertise
Solutions to meet your requirements
MMC Specialists
Delivering an unrivalled range of building systems
MMC Delivery Partner
We work collaboratively with manufacturers, contractors and developers taking responsibility for the onsite activities to deliver offsite and modular projects.
Our services start with the installation of panelised and modular systems with optional bolt on services all in one seamless package of works:
cladding systems
roofing works
internal fit out
Key Benefits
We have a deep understanding of integrating offsite and onsite construction with our services offering significant benefits:
cost savings
offsite and construction expertise
access to supply chain and products that are compatible with offsite manufactured systems
reduced risk
Offsite Manufacturing Partner
Our services offer a number of benefits to manufacturers:
focus on processes, lean practices, research & development
reduce operational costs and onsite risks
effectively optimise and scale operations
supporting growth and delivering additional packages on each project (e.g. external cladding and roofing)
Do you need a Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) delivery partner who understands offsite manufacturing and onsite construction?
Unrivalled MMC Expertise
Timber Frame
Volumetric Modular
Let's get started!
It is easy to contact us.
Through our contact form
Telephone: 0121 724 0099
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