0121 724 0099 
We're delighted to be supporting our strategic partner at The NSBRC in Swindon on the 26th January 2024. 
The National Self Build & Renovation Centre (NSBRC) have put together a line up that's both informative and inspiring from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th January. 
The Show has a timetable packed full of informative and impartial talks, to help inspire your homebuilding plans. Alongside 200+ exhibitors within the NSBRC’s ‘Trade Village’, the ‘Professional Services Hub’. 
Our director Gavin Wilkes will be supporting our strategic partner on Friday 26th January with a number of innovative offsite manufactured systems on display. 
The Dynamic Build Group deliver a range of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) services to deliver comfortable, healthy and sustainable homes to meet virually any design. 
If you would like more information on the Dynamic Build Group approach please call 0121 724 0099 or email info@dynamicbuilduk.com 
Tagged as: Custom Build, Events
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